Something for Everyone!!

Everyone is invited!!
We start with a light meal and then we have something for all ages. Children, youth, and adults will have something to help us grown in discipleship!
Adults: Pub Theology
Nursery is open from newborn to 36 months

Potluck at 6:00 pm
Messy Church is a church movement that welcomes people of all ages to participate in fun, creative, and hospitable worship experiences. Messy Church activities often include: Art, Games, Drama, Sharing food, Craft projects, Food science experiments, Sports, and Nature activities.

MidWeek Game Night
Potluck at 6:00 pm
Friendly competition, fun, and fellowship with our church families and friends!! There will be something for all ages. Invite someone to church game night!

Pub Theology
What is Pub Theology?
Open and honest conversation about things that matter. A table at which all perspectives are welcome. The format is simple: your favorite drink, conversation, and God. Come bring your questions, bring a friend, and pull up a chair.
Live Stream Sunday at 11 am
If there is an interruption on the part of our internet service provider, the service will be recorded and uploaded to both the Facebook page and the YouTube Channel
Or you can text “WORSHIP” to 580-232-7711